Welcome to the 21 day No Negativity challenge
The link below will allow you to easily order Challenge Cards for all you encounter-
Life is only meaningful when we are striving for a goal.
95% of everything you do is the result of habit.
In order to eliminate the negative influences, simply ignore them.
If you tell me, I will listen. If you show me, I will see. If you let me experience, I will learn!
It is easy to hate and it is difficult to love. This is how the whole scheme of things works. All good things are difficult to achieve; and bad things are very easy to get.
What is the 21 Day Challenge?
A 21 continuous days challenge
without negative expressions.
The purpose of the challenge is to become aware of
how you have your mind, negatively, programmed, and to reap the benefits of disengaging from negativity.
It often takes 4 to 12 months to go 21 CONTINUOUS
days without SPEAKING negatively.
Put your rebellious nature to work and prove the world wrong by unlearning all the negative based strategies the world tries to impose on you. The 21 day challenge is a great way to do so.
Ultimately, ‘To be condemning ,or, to be caring?". That is the question!
Will Bauer is a public speaker and author of several books regarding complaining and its negative effects. 21 Days Without Complaining – YouTube, Will Bowen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5uW1Rrf5Fg
It’s my choice to remain anonymous as long as possible and because, who I am, is irrelevant to what you may do and achieve on your own, utilizing the 21 day no negativity challenge.
I belong to a group and with, ‘J’, we were all challenged at the same time, about 6 ½ months ago. My experience has been the more typical. After a week I managed to make it three days without expressing negativity, then a large work assignment came up that I didn’t expect to make it through without expressing negativity. True to my expectations I did not. Several times since then I’ve made it to day 3.
In my first week I was stunned at how much negativity I had coming out of my mouth. This has made me wonder about how I have affected those around me all my life. In my first month I noticed a wonderful decrease in my mind chatter, especially of the sort in which I would, “Beat myself up”. I counted these as my blessings and ceased to count the number of days of my not expressing negativity, although continueing to note them and typically stopping the negativity before it was expressed.
Now having recently interviewed “J” about her very noticeable improvements in the quality of her life I’m now remotivated to go the 21 continuous days without negativity being expressed by me.
I have a close friend whom I spend much time with, she has noticed I am much calmer than previously. I’ve noticed I feel less rushed and am less anxious. Also, I’ve become a better listener and am taking other people’s perspectives into consideration. Consequently, I’m making better decisions and enjoying life more.
This project is my being of service to my fellow brothers and sisters. There are so many good things that have come to me by the efforts of other people, total strangers, the farmers, the construction workers, utility workers, teachers, telecommunications people Etcetera. The list could be 8 billion people long. So, this is my gift to all.
Post Script... I am receiving no money from the printer or any other compensation and have invested much time and some money into this project. The printers price was the best I could find. Blessings to All.
Any questions about the ordering process email: repetemarketing@gmail.com